Entdecke die Welt von webperformance
In meiner persönlichen Auswahl findest du alles, was du über das Thema webperformance wissen möchtest. Hier teile ich mit dir ausführliche Artikel, praktische Anleitungen und die neuesten Trends, die alle sorgfältig ausgewählt wurden, um deine Begeisterung und dein Wissen zu webperformance zu bereichern. Tauche ein in meine Empfehlungen und lass dich von der Vielfalt inspirieren, die webperformance zu bieten hat.
Lines of code Unittests Description In...mehr lesen >
Codezeilen Unittests ...mehr lesen >
Improvements StartRender FCP ...mehr lesen >
Verbesserungen StartRender FCP ...mehr lesen >
While working on a talk for an event in my local area, I thought about the main topics you want someone to know about web performance. My talk was...mehr lesen >
Last year I published a blog post about why I moved my site from gatsby to Eleventy. I was struggling with Gatsby because of the enormous JavaScript...mehr lesen >
Durch die Entwicklung moderner Technologien entstehen fortlaufend zahlreiche neue Digitalisierungs-Möglichkeiten. Der digitale Wandel vereinfacht...mehr lesen >
The development of modern technologies continuously creates a multitude of new digitization possibilities. Digital change is simplifying many...mehr lesen >
2020 was crazy in many ways. It was an exciting year for my self-employment. I decided to take off from all my projects as of the first of January to...mehr lesen >
The RAIL model is a performance pattern that provides a comprehensive understanding of the user experience by breaking it down into key indicators....mehr lesen >
Lazy loading is a loading strategy that makes it possible to load something later. You may know this from Gatsby, React, or for images. Images or...mehr lesen >
The importance of web performance is a standard best practice. A fast website is better than a slow one. But what is fast? As Philip Walton points...mehr lesen >
Tldr; In this post, I introduce you to adaptive loading. Adaptive loading is a pattern where your website responds to the user based on their actual...mehr lesen >
What should you measure to improve performance Web performance is a crucial indicator of the conversion rate. While you are optimizing your website’s...mehr lesen >
Third-party scripts are a common way to add extra functionality to our sites. A/B tests, analytics, tag-managers, social media buttons, or ads. We...mehr lesen >
Milliseconds make millions is a new study that shows the significant impact of site speed on the customer’s actions on mobile devices. The results...mehr lesen >
Chrome is famous for encouraging the adoption of best practices in web development. Remember the introduction of the HTTP insecure sign on all...mehr lesen >
The project at DebugBear aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of web performance to a wide range of readers. Through creating blog posts on...mehr lesen >
Das Projekt bei DebugBear hatte das Ziel, ein umfassendes Verständnis für Web-Performance einer breiten Leserschaft zu vermitteln. Ich trug dazu bei,...mehr lesen >
Optimizing the performance of your website takes time, and If you want to work on it towards your individual needs, it can be much work. I haven’t...mehr lesen >
Last week I already published the second part of this series about performance metrics and mapping them to business values. In this part, I want to...mehr lesen >
Last week I wrote the first post of this series. In this part, I want to show you a simple method to measure essential performance metrics and map...mehr lesen >
I recently wrote a blog post about “Why you should care about Web Performance”. It contains a topic collection of how you could convince your client...mehr lesen >
Svelte bindings are useful to connect your UI User Interface with your component state. As this is a widespread pattern for frameworks, Svelte...mehr lesen >
The Web Performance area is improving and has some awesome stuff to explore, but at the end of 2020, not all of our sites will be fast. Many tech...mehr lesen >
If you find yourself caring about values like Bounce rate, Revenue, Time on site, page views, user satisfaction, online business success, you should...mehr lesen >
What are web vitals in why do we need them? Web vitals is an initiative introduced by Google. It helps us to understand the vitality of our website...mehr lesen >
Intro to JavaScript performance optimization JavaScript performance optimization techniques for the JavaScirpt engine are simple to apply if you stick...mehr lesen >
Intro to Svelte events In my last article about Svelte, I talked about the advantages in general and how you can implement your first components,...mehr lesen >
I recently came across the new rising star when I watched the stateofjs 2019. They received the “Prediction Award,” which means they are “awarded to...mehr lesen >
Intro to service workers So you probably landed here because you do not use service workers in your app and you want to know how they can help you. ...mehr lesen >